Saturday, July 19, 2014

Chapter 24

It was around 11 in the morning. Arjun had just woken up. He had returned to the institute early morning that day after his summer training at the end of the first year. He had taken an overnight train back from Tridevpur. He had been to Tridevpur for two days after his summer training to meet his old friends; especially Rohini. By the time he woke up it was too late for the breakfast at the mess. Therefore Arjun walked towards Auntie’s tea shop which was at the boundary of the campus.


Arjun turned back when he heard the familiar voice of Udhi from behind.

He stopped and waited for Udhi to join. Both of them continued their walk towards Auntie’s teashop

“When did you come” Arjun asked

“I just landed up” Udhi replied

“I reached early morning. It was an overnight journey. I crashed out till now. I have not had my breakfast. Now the only thing left is Auntie’s tea and bun.

They reached the tea shop

“Hello Auntie, give us two teas” Arjun asked in an amiable voice. “We really missed your tea for three months”

“Get a packet of “Wills Flake King size” Udhi added his bit

“Oh have you changed your brand?” Arjun asked

“Now we that are second year MBA students at IMI, we will live life king size” Udhi replied in his half joking half serious manner

Both of them lit their cigarettes and sat on the stools outside the tea shop. Though it was sunny, there was a nip in the air. Auntie served them their tea and bun

“Tell me Arjun. How was your summer training at P&G” Udhi asked after taking a deep drag of his cigarette

Arjun paused for few seconds to swallow the bite of bun he had already taken.
“Quite interesting and hectic. I ended up doing two projects. One in Marketing and one in Systems”

“How did you end up doing that” Udhi asked

“I was doing my Marketing Project under Ravi Chaturvedi. One day I walked into the room of Arun Mehra the marketing controller. The idea was only to get to know him” Arjun replied

“And may be to try to impress him.” Udhi commented

“OK take it that way.” Arjun retorted

“Continue” Udhi egged on

“Arun asked if I could develop software program to help him do some market analysis. It also meant I had to enter the data pertaining to the market trends for couple of years and also develop the master that contains all the 110 products from 40 odd brands. I told him that I would try”

“The workaholic eager beaver” Udhi commented

“I used to work on the marketing project till evening and work on the software six in the evening till twelve at night.”

“How is the computer facilities at P&G?” Udhi asked

“There  have quite a few PCs that use floppy drives. They also had two XT 286 machines.”

“Did they allow you to use those” Udhi asked

“Oh they did after the office hours” Arjun replied

“I have not done any programming since I completed my FORTRAN course during the final year engineering. I have not run much testing of any of these programs as getting computer time at our college was a difficult task” Arjun said.

“What were you using for programming?” Udhi asked

“Oh I was developing the program in Dbase 3. I got a AshtenTate manual and struggled with it. Our batch mate Jayakumar who was also doing summer at P&G taught me database schema and the fundamentals of software design. I developed a modular design which helped me to develop each category of analysis as a separate module. I developed each of them independently, test them and then integrate the whole under a master menu”

“That is a very healthy design. I am impressed that you got the idea in your first project. Normally the beginners end up developing complex intertwined software that make debugging and enhancing absolutely painful” Udhi commented

“That exactly was my guiding principle. I wanted it to be simple and modular to make my life easy”

“Did you end up impressing Arun” Udhi asked

“That was the funniest part” Arjun replied

“What was funny about making software?”

“I slogged for two months. Got the data model ready, developed the software, and entered past data. Arun used to drop in on and off to the room where we worked. That is because it was the same room which Ravi also used. I would catch his attention to  show him the progress and he would say Hmm”

“Almost at the end when I had nearly finished all the core work, I spent some time adding some bells and whistles to the software. Some blinking stars and some collapsing squires with borders”

“That is really the cheap stuff” Udhi commented

“One day Arun as usual dropped into the room and I showed him the bells and whistles. Then he spent some more time on what this software could do. He was really impressed.”

“The moral of the story is that it is packaging that counts. It doesn’t matter what shit you are peddling so long as you know how to package it” Udhi summarised

“What they don’t teach you at IMI. But what I developed was not shit OK” Arjun quipped

“What did you do after your late night programming” Udhi asked

“Oh We used to go and sit at the beach for an hour or so. There were other guys from various IMI’s doing their summer in the town who would also join.”

“There was this funny guy called Gurvinder who was doing his summer with me. His favourite past time when we sat at the beach was to rate the cheap whores who frequented the beach” Arjun continued

“What?” Udhi jumped up.

“Not what you think” Arjun replied


“These whores used to hang out at the beach awaiting customers and they generally sat so far from where we used to sit. Then the customers came over, picked up a bitch, went behind a rock structure and returned after 10 mts or so. Gurvinder tagged each of the regular bitches and maintained a table of how many customers each of the regulars got and how long the session lasted. He then developed a ‘Bitch Rating’ for each of them.”

“One day Gurvinder walked over to these and asked them their rate. Then he walked away saying that he can’t afford it” Arjun was laughing

“Then using the ‘Bitch rating’ and the session rate he got from them, he estimated their income per month” Arjun continued

“That was a good summer project” Udhi commented

“Gurvinder claimed that he was going to do more research on this and make a term paper. He believes that this study can in some way help in developing some social security schemes for these sex workers” Arjun said

“That is quite an interesting take” Udhi replied

“What else did you do to have some fun?” Udhi asked

“Wait let me finish my tea and bun. I am famished. You won’t let me finish my breakfast” Arjun snapped but not seriously 

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